
Our configurations are all namespaced under the OAUTH2_PROVIDER settings with the solely exception of OAUTH2_PROVIDER_APPLICATION_MODEL: this is because of the way Django currently implements swappable models. See issue #90 ( for details.

For example:

    'SCOPES': {
        'read': 'Read scope',
        'write': 'Write scope',

    'CLIENT_ID_GENERATOR_CLASS': 'oauth2_provider.generators.ClientIdGenerator',


A big thank you to the guys from Django REST Framework for inspiring this.

List of available settings


The number of seconds an access token remains valid. Requesting a protected resource after this duration will fail. Keep this value high enough so clients can cache the token for a reasonable amount of time.


The import string of the class (model) representing your applications. Overwrite this value if you wrote your own implementation (subclass of oauth2_provider.models.Application).


The number of seconds an authorization code remains valid. Requesting an access token after this duration will fail. RFC6749 Section 4.1.2 recommends a 10 minutes (600 seconds) duration.


The import string of the class responsible for generating client identifiers. These are usually random strings.


The import string of the class responsible for generating client secrets. These are usually random strings.


The length of the generated secrets, in characters. If this value is too low, secrets may become subject to bruteforce guessing.


The import string for the server_class (or oauthlib.oauth2.Server subclass) used in the OAuthLibMixin that implements OAuth2 grant types.


The import string of the oauthlib.oauth2.RequestValidator subclass that validates every step of the OAuth2 process.


The import string for the oauthlib_backend_class used in the OAuthLibMixin, to get a Server instance.


A dictionary mapping each scope name to its human description.


A list of scopes that should be returned by default. This is a subset of the keys of the SCOPES setting. By default this is set to ‘__all__’ meaning that the whole set of SCOPES will be returned.

DEFAULT_SCOPES = ['read', 'write']


The name of the read scope.


The name of the write scope.


The number of seconds before a refresh token gets removed from the database by the cleartokens management command. Check cleartokens management command for further info.


When is set to True (default) a new refresh token is issued to the client when the client refreshes an access token.


Can be 'force' or 'auto'. The strategy used to display the authorization form. Refer to Skip authorization form.