
class oauth2_provider.models.AbstractApplication(*args, **kwargs)

An Application instance represents a Client on the Authorization server. Usually an Application is created manually by client’s developers after logging in on an Authorization Server.


  • client_id The client identifier issued to the client during the
    registration process as described in RFC6749 Section 2.2
  • user ref to a Django user
  • redirect_uris The list of allowed redirect uri. The string
    consists of valid URLs separated by space
  • client_type Client type as described in RFC6749 Section 2.1
  • authorization_grant_type Authorization flows available to the
  • client_secret Confidential secret issued to the client during
    the registration process as described in RFC6749 Section 2.2
  • name Friendly name for the Application

Returns the default redirect_uri extracting the first item from the redirect_uris string


Checks if given url is one of the items in redirect_uris string

Parameters:uri – Url to check
class oauth2_provider.models.AccessToken(*args, **kwargs)

An AccessToken instance represents the actual access token to access user’s resources, as in RFC6749 Section 5.


  • user The Django user representing resources’ owner
  • token Access token
  • application Application instance
  • expires Date and time of token expiration, in DateTime format
  • scope Allowed scopes

Check if the token allows the provided scopes

Parameters:scopes – An iterable containing the scopes to check

Check token expiration with timezone awareness


Checks if the access token is valid.

Parameters:scopes – An iterable containing the scopes to check or None

Convenience method to uniform tokens’ interface, for now simply remove this token from the database in order to revoke it.


Returns a dictionary of allowed scope names (as keys) with their descriptions (as values)

class oauth2_provider.models.Application(id, client_id, user, redirect_uris, client_type, authorization_grant_type, client_secret, name, skip_authorization)
class oauth2_provider.models.Grant(*args, **kwargs)

A Grant instance represents a token with a short lifetime that can be swapped for an access token, as described in RFC6749 Section 4.1.2


  • user The Django user who requested the grant
  • code The authorization code generated by the authorization server
  • application Application instance this grant was asked for
  • expires Expire time in seconds, defaults to
  • redirect_uri Self explained
  • scope Required scopes, optional

Check token expiration with timezone awareness

class oauth2_provider.models.RefreshToken(*args, **kwargs)

A RefreshToken instance represents a token that can be swapped for a new access token when it expires.


  • user The Django user representing resources’ owner
  • token Token value
  • application Application instance
  • access_token AccessToken instance this refresh token is
    bounded to

Delete this refresh token along with related access token


Return the Application model that is active in this project.