OpenID Connect

OpenID Connect support

django-oauth-toolkit supports OpenID Connect (OIDC), which standardizes authentication flows and provides a plug and play integration with other systems. OIDC is built on top of OAuth 2.0 to provide:

  • Generating ID tokens as part of the login process. These are JWT that describe the user, and can be used to authenticate them to your application.

  • Metadata based auto-configuration for providers

  • A user info endpoint, which applications can query to get more information about a user.

Enabling OIDC doesn’t affect your existing OAuth 2.0 flows, these will continue to work alongside OIDC.

We support:

  • OpenID Connect Authorization Code Flow

  • OpenID Connect Implicit Flow

  • OpenID Connect Hybrid Flow

Furthermore django-oauth-toolkit also supports OpenID Connect RP-Initiated Logout.


OIDC is not enabled by default because it requires additional configuration that must be provided. django-oauth-toolkit supports two different algorithms for signing JWT tokens, RS256, which uses asymmetric RSA keys (a public key and a private key), and HS256, which uses a symmetric key.

It is preferable to use RS256, because this produces a token that can be verified by anyone using the public key (which is made available and discoverable by OIDC service auto-discovery, included with django-oauth-toolkit). HS256 on the other hand uses the client_secret in order to verify keys. This is simpler to implement, but makes it harder to safely verify tokens.

Using HS256 also means that you cannot use the Implicit or Hybrid flows, or verify the tokens in public clients, because you cannot disclose the client_secret to a public client. If you are using a public client, you must use RS256.

Creating RSA private key

To use RS256 requires an RSA private key, which is used for signing JWT. You can generate this using the openssl tool:

openssl genrsa -out oidc.key 4096

This will generate a 4096-bit RSA key, which will be sufficient for our needs.


The contents of this key must be kept a secret. Don’t put it in your settings and commit it to version control!

If the key is ever accidentally disclosed, an attacker could use it to forge JWT tokens that verify as issued by your OAuth provider, which is very bad!

If it is ever disclosed, you should immediately replace the key.

Safe ways to handle it would be:

  • Store it in a secure system like Hashicorp Vault, and inject it in to your environment when running your server.

  • Store it in a secure file on your server, and use your initialization scripts to inject it in to your environment.

Now we need to add this key to our settings and allow the openid scope to be used. Assuming we have set an environment variable called OIDC_RSA_PRIVATE_KEY, we can make changes to our

import os

    "OIDC_ENABLED": True,
    "SCOPES": {
        "openid": "OpenID Connect scope",
        # ... any other scopes that you use
    # ... any other settings you want

If you are adding OIDC support to an existing OAuth 2.0 provider site, and you are currently using a custom class for OAUTH2_SERVER_CLASS, you must change this class to derive from oauthlib.openid.Server instead of oauthlib.oauth2.Server.

With RSA key-pairs, the public key can be generated from the private key, so there is no need to add a setting for the public key.

Rotating the RSA private key

Extra keys can be published in the jwks_uri with the OIDC_RSA_PRIVATE_KEYS_INACTIVE setting. For example::

    # ... other settings

To rotate, follow these steps:

  1. Generate a new key, and add it to the inactive set. Then deploy the app.

  2. Swap the active and inactive keys, then re-deploy.

  3. After some reasonable amount of time, remove the inactive key. At a minimum, you should wait ID_TOKEN_EXPIRE_SECONDS to ensure the key isn’t removed before valid tokens expire.

Using HS256 keys

If you would prefer to use just HS256 keys, you don’t need to create any additional keys, django-oauth-toolkit will just use the application’s client_secret to sign the JWT token.

To be able to verify the JWT’s signature using the client_secret, you must set the application’s hash_client_secret to False.

In this case, you just need to enable OIDC and add openid to your list of scopes in your

    "OIDC_ENABLED": True,
    "SCOPES": {
        "openid": "OpenID Connect scope",
        # ... any other scopes that you use
    # ... any other settings you want


RS256 is the more secure algorithm for signing your JWTs. Only use HS256 if you must. Using RS256 will allow you to keep your client_secret hashed.

RP-Initiated Logout

This feature has to be enabled separately as it is an extension to the core standard.

    # OIDC has to be enabled to use RP-Initiated Logout
    "OIDC_ENABLED": True,
    # Enable and configure RP-Initiated Logout
    # ... any other settings you want

Setting up OIDC enabled clients

Setting up an OIDC client in django-oauth-toolkit is simple - in fact, all existing OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code Flow and Implicit Flow applications that are already configured can be easily updated to use OIDC by setting the appropriate algorithm for them to use.

You can also switch existing apps to use OIDC Hybrid Flow by changing their Authorization Grant Type and selecting a signing algorithm to use.

You can read about the pros and cons of the different flows in this excellent article from Robert Broeckelmann.

OIDC Authorization Code Flow

To create an OIDC Authorization Code Flow client, create an Application with the grant type Authorization code and select your desired signing algorithm.

When making an authorization request, be sure to include openid as a scope. When the code is exchanged for the access token, the response will also contain an ID token JWT.

If the openid scope is not requested, authorization requests will be treated as standard OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code Grant requests.

With PKCE enabled, even public clients can use this flow, and it is the most secure and recommended flow.

OIDC Implicit Flow

OIDC Implicit Flow is very similar to OAuth 2.0 Implicit Grant, except that the client can request a response_type of id_token or id_token token. Requesting just token is also possible, but it would make it not an OIDC flow and would fall back to being the same as OAuth 2.0 Implicit Grant.

To setup an OIDC Implicit Flow client, simply create an Application with the a grant type of Implicit and select your desired signing algorithm, and configure the client to request the openid scope and an OIDC response_type (id_token or id_token token).

OIDC Hybrid Flow

OIDC Hybrid Flow is a mixture of the previous two flows. It allows the ID token and an access token to be returned to the frontend, whilst also allowing the backend to retrieve the ID token and an access token (not necessarily the same access token) on the backend.

To setup an OIDC Hybrid Flow application, create an Application with a grant type of OpenID connect hybrid and select your desired signing algorithm.

Customizing the OIDC responses

This basic configuration will give you a basic working OIDC setup, but your ID tokens will have very few claims in them, and the UserInfo service will just return the same claims as the ID token.

To configure all of these things we need to customize the OAUTH2_VALIDATOR_CLASS in django-oauth-toolkit. Create a new file in our project, eg my_project/

from oauth2_provider.oauth2_validators import OAuth2Validator

class CustomOAuth2Validator(OAuth2Validator):

and then configure our site to use this in our

    "OAUTH2_VALIDATOR_CLASS": "my_project.oauth_validators.CustomOAuth2Validator",
    # ... other settings

Now we can customize the tokens and the responses that are produced by adding methods to our custom validator.

Adding claims to the ID token

By default the ID token will just have a sub claim (in addition to the required claims, eg iss, aud, exp, iat, auth_time etc), and the sub claim will use the primary key of the user as the value. You’ll probably want to customize this and add additional claims or change what is sent for the sub claim. To do so, you will need to add a method to our custom validator. It takes one of two forms:

The first form gets passed a request object, and should return a dictionary mapping a claim name to claim data:

class CustomOAuth2Validator(OAuth2Validator):
    # Set `oidc_claim_scope = None` to ignore scopes that limit which claims to return,
    # otherwise the OIDC standard scopes are used.

    def get_additional_claims(self, request):
        return {
            "given_name": request.user.first_name,
            "family_name": request.user.last_name,
            "name": ' '.join([request.user.first_name, request.user.last_name]),
            "preferred_username": request.user.username,

The second form gets no request object, and should return a dictionary mapping a claim name to a callable, accepting a request and producing the claim data:

class CustomOAuth2Validator(OAuth2Validator):
    # Extend the standard scopes to add a new "permissions" scope
    # which returns a "permissions" claim:
    oidc_claim_scope = OAuth2Validator.oidc_claim_scope
    oidc_claim_scope.update({"permissions": "permissions"})

    def get_additional_claims(self):
        return {
            "given_name": lambda request: request.user.first_name,
            "family_name": lambda request: request.user.last_name,
            "name": lambda request: ' '.join([request.user.first_name, request.user.last_name]),
            "preferred_username": lambda request: request.user.username,
            "email": lambda request:,
            "permissions": lambda request: list(request.user.get_group_permissions()),

Standard claim sub is included by default, to remove it override get_claim_dict.

Supported claims discovery

In order to help clients discover claims early, they can be advertised in the discovery info, under the claims_supported key. In order for the discovery info view to automatically add all claims your validator returns, you need to use the second form (producing callables), because the discovery info views are requested with an unauthenticated request, so directly producing claim data would fail. If you use the first form, producing claim data directly, your claims will not be added to discovery info.

In some cases, it might be desirable to not list all claims in discovery info. To customize which claims are advertised, you can override the get_discovery_claims method to return a list of claim names to advertise. If your get_additional_claims uses the first form and you still want to advertise claims, you can also override get_discovery_claims.

Using OIDC scopes to determine which claims are returned

The oidc_claim_scope OAuth2Validator class attribute implements OIDC’s 5.4 Requesting Claims using Scope Values feature. For example, a given_name claim is only returned if the profile scope was granted.

To change the list of claims and which scopes result in their being returned, override oidc_claim_scope with a dict keyed by claim with a value of scope. The following example adds instructions to return the foo claim when the bar scope is granted:

class CustomOAuth2Validator(OAuth2Validator):
    oidc_claim_scope = OAuth2Validator.oidc_claim_scope
    oidc_claim_scope.update({"foo": "bar"})

Set oidc_claim_scope = None to return all claims irrespective of the granted scopes.

You have to make sure you’ve added additional claims via get_additional_claims and defined the OAUTH2_PROVIDER["SCOPES"] in your settings in order for this functionality to work.


This request object is not a django.http.Request object, but an oauthlib.common.Request object. This has a number of attributes that you can use to decide what claims to put in to the ID token:

What claims you decide to put in to the token is up to you to determine based upon what the scopes and / or claims means to your provider.

Adding information to the UserInfo service

The UserInfo service is supplied as part of the OIDC service, and is used to retrieve information about the user given their Access Token. It is optional to use the service. The service is accessed by making a request to the UserInfo endpoint, eg /o/userinfo/ and supplying the access token retrieved at login as a Bearer token or as a form-encoded access_token body parameter for a POST request.

Again, to modify the content delivered, we need to add a function to our custom validator. The default implementation adds the claims from the ID token, so you will probably want to reuse that:

class CustomOAuth2Validator(OAuth2Validator):

    def get_userinfo_claims(self, request):
        claims = super().get_userinfo_claims(request)
        claims["color_scheme"] = get_color_scheme(request.user)
        return claims

Customizing the login flow

Clients can request that the user logs in each time a request to the /authorize endpoint is made during the OIDC Authorization Code Flow by adding the prompt=login query parameter and value. Only login is currently supported. See OIDC’s Authentication Request for details.

OIDC Views

Enabling OIDC support adds three views to django-oauth-toolkit. When OIDC is not enabled, these views will log that OIDC support is not enabled, and return a 404 response, or if DEBUG is enabled, raise an ImproperlyConfigured exception.

In the docs below, it assumes that you have mounted the django-oauth-toolkit at /o/. If you have mounted it elsewhere, adjust the URLs accordingly.

Define where to store the profile


An optional layer to define where to store the profile in UserModel or a separate model. For example UserOAuth, where user = models.OneToOneField(UserModel).

The function is called after checking that the username is present in the content.


An instance of the UserModel representing the user fetched or created.


Available at /o/.well-known/openid-configuration, this view provides auto discovery information to OIDC clients, telling them the JWT issuer to use, the location of the JWKs to verify JWTs with, the token and userinfo endpoints to query, and other details.


Available at /o/.well-known/jwks.json, this view provides details of the keys used to sign the JWTs generated for ID tokens, so that clients are able to verify them.


Available at /o/userinfo/, this view provides extra user details. You can customize the details included in the response as described above.


Available at /o/logout/, this view allows a Client (Relying Party) to request that a Resource Owner is logged out at the Authorization Server (OpenID Provider).